Club Leadership

An election of Officers was held at the January 16, 2024 member meeting. Officers were nominated, accepted and voted in by the membership in attendance.  The current list of officers and Board of Director members are as follows. 

  • 2024 Paris Gun Club Officers:
    • President – Greg Benincasa • e-mail
    • Vice President – Ken Friot • e-mail
    • Secretary – Jeff Evans • e-mail
    • Treasurer – Bruce Kapfer • e-mail
  • Board of Directors:
    • Dean Grant • e-mail (3 Year Term) 
    • Greg Milewskie-mail (2 Year Term)
    • Mike Burlinee-mail (1 Year Term)
    • Board of directors members serve for 3 consecutive years with the three members overlapping so that one a new board member will come up for election every year.

The league leaders or “Captains” are not elected so much as recruited or coerced into running the different leagues.  If you are interested in any of the leagues these are the people to contact.

  • League “Captains”
    • Sporter Rifle League: Mike Burline • e-mail
    • Bullseye League: Greg Benincasa • e-mail  
    • Plates League: Ken Friot • e-mail


  • Questions for Range Safety Orientation Reviews (required for all new members)
  • Questions for Membership
    • Contacts are:
    • Jeff Evans • e-mail
    • Greg Benincasa • e-mail
  • Any other questions Contact Greg Benincasa at (315) 725-2586. Leave a message with a return phone number if not available.