General Membership Meeting and Club Elections January 14th

There will be a general membership meeting and club officer elections on Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Club.

The following officers are running for re-election:

President: Greg Benincasa

Treasurer: Bruce Kapfer

Secretary: Jeff Evans

There is also one board seat vacancy. Any member interested in serving a 3 year term on the board should contact me prior to the meeting.

Thank you

Greg Benincasa


Here is the link to the NYSP web site for recertification of your pistol license as required under the SAFE Act. If your license was issued before January 15, 2013, you are required to complete your recertification before January 31, 2018.

The State Police began mailing out notification letters on January 3rd. There is, however, no guarantee that they have a valid address for all licensees. Even if you do not receive notification, you are still ultimately responsible for completing the recertification process. You will have to repeat this process every 5 years. Upon completion of the certification procedure, you will be given your next “due date.” You can submit your information on line or print out a paper document and submit it by mail. Paper forms are also available at all NYSP locations. While local licensing authorities are not directly involved in the process, they may have the forms available.

PLEASE NOTE: This system does not handle Westchester County, Nassau County, Suffolk County or New York City issued licenses. Each of these jurisdiction’s current procedures still apply.